Friday, 7 October 2011


Havtorn har invaderat lilla Pittenweem! havtorn ar det sar lilla orangefargade baret som vaxer pa buskar pa (bl.a.) Oland och so alla som kanner min pappa vet allt om. ;) Senaste grejen hemma pa Oland ar att gora oljor, marmelader, te, handkramer, you name it  med havtorn som tydligen ar hur nyttigt som helst.
hursomhelst, haromdagen fick vi in en ny choklad pa jobbet. Den var fylld med Sea buckthorn. Hmm sa vi, vad kan det vara?? jag smakade och tyckte att jag kande igen smaken...innehallet var lite orangeaktigt...och sa slog det mig -Havtorn! det maste det ju vara. som typisk 2000-talsmanniska Wikipediade jag det och upptackte att sa var det ju. Kande att det var allderdes nodvandigt att dela detta med omvarlden, so there you go. Dad will be proud! :D

this is it! (pic from Wikipedia)

heart of worshp

The heart of everything is Jesus.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The X factor

After having decided to stay away from the wxfactor this year I stumbled upon this video of a wee Northern Irish lass who sang stunningly -and I'm hooked! I immediately  caught up on previous episodes and cannot wait for the next one next Saturday. All fingers crossed for Janet that she gets through boot camp!


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Sjalvklart, Madde!

Sa blogger vagrar lata mig kommentera, sa har kommer ett blogginlagg om min systers blogginlagg. :D

I Maddes Bubbla - Tankar om livet, kärlek & blommiga tandborstar: Malin, minns du?

Visst minns jag, gumman! vi akte den rostiga farjan hem fran Irland 2004 och jag blev kar i den lilla nallen och kopte honom. Vad dopte vi honom till? Simon? konstigt namn gor en Irlands nalle, eh? vi far nog dopa om honom. Om bade du och jag funderar pa namn sa kan vi bestamma nagot nar jag kommer hem :) Dopa forresten? kan en nalle tro? tror nog inte det? sa varfor dopa? namnge? du forstar vad jag menar :D

ska bli sa haligt att fa hanga med dig gumman och catch up pa riktigt, lyssna pa all ny musik du har hittat, prata om allt mellan himmel och jord (litterally), flumma, dansa (jag min fuldans, du pa riktigt ;) ), fota, men mest av allt bara var med min allra allra karaste systeryster! Jag alskar dig gumman!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hans, there's no words

                                                                          Rest In Peace

Sunday, 12 June 2011

A little bit of Joy

Spoke to my little piece of heaven, otherwise known as my wee sister, yesterday. As always she turned an ordinary workingday into sunshine and rainbows. No one else in this wold makes me feel happier and closer to God than she does. It's like just speaking to her, God lets His light shine through her and straight into one's heart. Thank you for that Lord! And Madde, thank you for being the loveliest creation formed by God's own hands. I love you!

- Sis

Friday, 27 May 2011


Hittade precis lattexten till en vaggvisa som mamma brukade sjunga for oss barn nar vi skulle ga och lagga oss. 
Har ni tankt pa att nar man kommer tillbaka till nagot man horde/ sag/ laste nar man var liten aldrig riktigt stammer med hur det verkligen var?? Men det var i alla fall roligt att hitta den riktiga taxten. Den framkallade sa manga harliga minnen. :)

Ack så skönt, slumra in,
i bädden så fin,
som blomman på äng,
i en gungande säng.
Och guds änglar de små,
breda vingarna ut,
och kring barnet de stå,
till dess natten är slut.
Text: Astrid Lindgren


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Sunny, sunny Sunday!

Gotta love the sun!! It makes life seem brighter, laughs more sincere, troubles less troublesome and joy more tangible. Praise God for sunny days! <3

As you've probably guessed the spring has arrived to our wee village. the skirt is on, the birds are singing, all the windows are opened and I've come to life! NO more darkness and cold!! yay!! praise God indeed!! speaking of God; am just home from church and found some time for myself after having fed my lovely husband and Dustin, who are now off to do domething in the village. So, I'm sitting here with tho kittens snuggled up next to me and decided it was time to upsate my blog. Especially since it's been so long since I've done it. I keep telling myself that I'll get better at it, but it never seems to happen. anyhow, perhaps the sun will give me more inspiration that the never ending winter darkness. :D

speaking about light after the dark: after a decade of waiting, hope risen and then extinguish, rumours started only to be denied, decisions made, only to be revoked. It has finally happened. The BIG day has come when it started. I am of course speaking of THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOOTING OF THE HOBBIT!!!!!!!  :D There is sreally no words for how excited I am!!! for someone who spend most of ones teenage years beig surrounded of all things Tolkien, this is beyond description!! and to make it even more exciting, guess what I found out?? We have a Swede involved in the movie!!!!!!!!!! yes, you heard right -a Swede!!! No other than Mikael Persbrandt  in the role of Beor the man who changes into a bear. My national pride is growing every minute and I'm following the proceedings closely via The One Ring , the official fan page and the best covering of all things Tolkien.
I'll update you of any interesting happenings on or off set. Right now our prayers are with Peter Jackson and his family, as Peter has been hospitalised after collapsing due to a stomach ulcer.

That's all for now.
Enjoy the spring! :)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Jamie's Italian

Min underbara man och jag hangde med var sekreterare som skulle till ett stalle utanfor Glasgow. sa vad gjorde denne fantstiskt omtanksamma kille som ar min man da?? han tog mig till Glasgow, yrade omkring i samma stad i nastan tre kvart, letandes efter Jamie Oliver's italienska restaurang!! :D Jamie. Olivers. Resturang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O Jamie's Italian Mentalt forflyttades jag tillbaka till mitt tolvariga jag, minuter innan min stora karlek (vid den tiden) BSB skulle ga upp pa scenen i Goben. hjartat borjade sla fortare och allt jag kunde gora var att slanga armarna om Daniel och krama om honom riktigt hart. Se, det ar darfor jag foll pladask for honom; han upphor aldrig att overraska mig pa alla mojliga olika satt.
God blessed me richly indeed nar han gav mig Daniel. :)

Anyways. Maten! Fantastisk!! himmelsk!! Vi bestammde oss bada for att testa pastan (vi visste att pastan var hemgjord sa var nyfikenhet forbjod oss att prova nagot annat.) med rabbit (foredrar att inte tanka pa det som hare. kanns elakt pa nagot satt. dont ask me why rabbit is ok, though x) ) i vitvinsas och citrus. A-MAZING!! :) loved it! stoppade en bit i munnen och det var som ett party av smakexplotioner pa tungan!. har aldrig varit med om nagot liknande forut. :) paminde mig om varfor jag alskar mat sa mycket :D fantastiskt!! yummy!! kan inte sluta tanka pa det. har gatt omkring in nagon slags haze idag
och dagdromt med munnen oppen. LD lol! jag haller pa att bli galen! :D lol

Till foratt hade jag "polenta chips" (inte att bli forvaxlad med svenska chips -tank potatiskuber men av ett slags grynigt majsmjol. en slags korsning mellan tjocka fries och cornbread. hmm later hemskt, men ta mig pa mitt ord att det var en upplevelse -en god upplevelse!! hjalp! jag forvirrar mig sjalv. :D Daniel at friterad blackfisk med vitlok och chilli :S en hogstadielarare fick oss att disikera en blackfisk -bara for att steka occh ata den!! jag ar fortfarande traumatiserad och klarar inte riktigt av tanken att ata blckfisk sa jag holl mig pa avstand lol!! x)  till efteratt tog vi en panacotta med bjonbar och roda vinbarssas och kaffelatte. Den haligaste maltiden jag atit pa lange. :D
vad ska jag saga? -Tack Gode Gud for mat!! :D
lots of love! <3

p.s I love my wee husband!   :)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Off to work... about 10 mins. Just wanted to say hello and good morning before I left. :)
hop everyone slept ok? I sure did (when I wasn't fighting for the blanket or some space in the bed than is).

Daniel's grandparents are visiting and gosh how productive we have been! the first day we had had breakfast, driven up to St. Andrews, had lunch, walked about a bit, had tea at the famous golf hotel, done some grocery shopping, stopped off in Anstruther and gone back home -and it was only 13.00!! what on earth shall we do the rest of the days, I thought, we have already done everything there is to do! But we've managed to come up with quite a bit - and we've had a great time. :)

I've forgotten how nice it is to gather in the living room with your grandparents and play wordgames and drink loads and loads of tea. I'm loving it! :)

time to go! have a cat on top of me, so I need to dehair before I leave. :)

until the next time:
Hello and good morning!!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Loving the unexpected

Having found a moment to sit and just check the news and whatnot, I stumbled onto this blog: Loving the unexpected  It's hosted by a girl in the States, who has started this project she calls loving the unexpected. What she does (and encourage the rest of the world to do), is to do a random act of kindness each day. Say, holding up the door for someone, help someone, leave a note of encouragement for anyone to find and so on.

Anyone seen the movie "Pay it Forward" ?  This wee boy gets an assignment in class to change the world  and comes up with the idea of paying it forward. i.e you do something big for three people, but instead of paying you back, they pay it FORWARD to three other people, who in their turn pays it forward to three other people. Pretty soon you have a whole lot of  people doing a whole lot of good for a whole lot of people. This blog is similar to that, or rather, simply the result of loving your neighbour as yourself -teat others as you would like to be treated.

God is love, we are created in his image; they shall know you by your love for one another; we love because he first love us - all of these quotes have tumbled about in my head recently as has Micah 6:8:

He has told you, O man, what is good;
   and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
   and to walk humbly with your God?

Come to think about it; there's a worship song I like about all this. check it out:
Andy Bromley -Love Mercy

Isn't it amazing how things come together?? So, my challenge, along with lovingtheunexpected (and Jesus, incidentally) to you all today is to aim to do something loving to a stranger -even a smile! A smile can make all the difference!

with love,
The Swede Turned Turnip

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Scones baked, living room vacuumed, table set, church arrived for our monthly prayer breakfast, eaten, talked, prayed, talked and ate some more and church left -and it's only 11 am!!! :D

Somewhat crazy, but imensly fun! Yesterday I experimented and baked American Chock Chip Cookies. Can't say I was too impressed by them myself (texture wise that is -the taste was great), but people seemed to like them. Another experiment this morning was English scones. Now, I grew up with Swedish ones and loved them. but I'd never baked any English ones before. So, it was exciting to try something new. Come to think of it, I never actually tasted them. :D have to try and do that. :)

bur right now I'm quite content sitting here with my warm cup of tea and cookies while Daniel and Dustin are cleaning up my mess in the kitchen . (brilliant deal isn't it?? I get to do what I love (bake and cook) and don't have to deal with the mess! :D )

just found this recipe: cinnamon sugar pull apart bread
just gotta try this sometime!! looks soo yummy!! :D

have a wonderful day all! :)

Friday, 18 March 2011


Isn't it incredible that we are able to experience the love of Christ, without ever being able to fully understand it (at least not while we're on earth)? God himself is  beyond human description in his love, care, comfort. He truly is a loving, forgiving and just Father. Moreover His people never ceases to amaze me. someone gets sick, and people by the hundreds join in prayer for the whole family as well as providing food, a cuddle or even an ear willing to listen.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
- John 13:34-35

isn't this the ultimate challenge? To love one another despite (and because) our flaws and brokenness?
while living in a broken world full of tears, fights, hatred, judgement and confusion, wouldn't it do some good if we lived as the lights we are called to be and pointed to God by the love we have for one another?

Just a thought

We serve a wonderfully loving God :)

When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan,
 I fall on my knees and pray to the Father,
 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.
 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources
he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.
 And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him.
May your roots do down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
 May you experience the love of Christ,
 though it is so great you will never fully understand it.
Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Now, glory be to God!
By his mighty power at work within us,
 he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
 May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
 forever and ever through endless ages.

- Ephesians 3:14-21

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I've lost interest for tonight..., I've left you with a sunset. :D now, back to West Wing and my wonderful husband.

nite, nite!

Help!!!! :O

So, after having spent an eternity on colour schemes I've now become colour blind! :D
can't for the life of me decide what ones to choose. So, I've ended up with a mess!

please help me get things  right. I'd like something pink (cos for once in my life I feel girlish ;) ), but what shade?? have no clue!! I-landsproblem?? javisst!! men for min sanity - please help!!

my beautiful and much loved wee sis :)

pics from the wedding

I'm having loads of fun playing around with picnik at the minute. Thought I'd give you a wee taster.

Enjoy! :D

I've moved!

Following (yet again) in my wee sister's footsteps, I've decided to jump start my blogging life with a new blog! I'm rummaging around the site trying to get my mind around all the gadgets, but am hoping to soon be up a running again! stick around and I promise you pictures from our wedding, loads of ramblings about cats and food. Not to mention random thoughts about culture shocks, surprises, events and the craziness that is life. Enjoy!